Lawn Weed Gallery
Annual Bluegrass
Type: Grass
Life Cycle: Annual, perennial
Growth Habit: Clump, dense patches
Leaf Color: Light green
Reproduces by: Seed
Appearance: Typically grows in clumps or bunches. The stem can grow up to 8 inches high. It has slightly flattened. This is not to be confused with perennial bluegrass which is more desirable.
Type: Grass
Life Cycle: Summer Annual
Growth Habit: Bunch-Type to Slightly Spreading
Leaf Color: Medium Green
Reproduces by: Seed
Appearance: This sparse, spread out grass, has a flat leaf that has a bluish-purplish tint to it. It can grow up to 4 feet tall if not mowed! It is also a “nutrient drain” in your yard, pulling the nutrients away from the good grass.
Type: Grass
Life Cycle: Perennial
Growth Habit: Low spreading
Leaf Color: Medium to dark green
Reproduces by: Seed, rhizomes, stolons
Appearance: This is a low, dense spreading grass. It is often used in sports fields where it is very hardy and can quickly recover from damage. It can be a difficult weed to remove because even though the tops of the plants only grow a few inches high, the roots can go down over 6 feet!