March Madness

Let the madness begin! March weather in Tennessee can look like spring or the dead of winter. From the looks of the forecast we may be in for our share of typical crazy Tennessee weather.

Regardless of what the weather does we will be pushing through with our seasonal Spring chores. Getting the lawn and landscape cleaned up so that all things have a great start this Spring.

RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO: Prune boxwoods, cut back rose bushes, cut back Monkey grass, trim crepe myrtles, plant new shrubs and trees, selective prune plants, clean up perennial beds, lawn and landscape Spring clean ups, add pre-emergent herbicides to landscape beds and mulch and the list goes on.

turf managers lawn services march madness

OTHER THINGS TO BE DONE: Lawn fertilization and weed control with crab grass preventer Tree and Shrub Horticultural oils to help lower the insect populations in the landscape ongoing landscape bed maintenance flea and tick control applications Skeeter Defeater mosquito control and many other services that require time sensitive applications.

OOOOOOHHHHHH, don’t forget to get your Spring Flower order in very soon. We are booking up fast for our May installations so call call call!

Now is the best time for your friends and neighbors to try our lawn fertilization and weed control program to be on the way to a beautiful lawn. Please tell them about us.

They can visit our web site at and get an INSTANT QUOTE on what it will cost for us to take care of their lawn. Please tell them TODAY!

Turf Managers applies lawn fertilizer in a unique way that provides you with a better, healthier lawn. We use top quality lawn fertilizer and lawn care products, some of which we have designed ourselves. Our lawn care professionals will come to your location – Nashville, Franklin, Brentwood, Belle Meade – and get you on the way to the lawn you want!

Our Lawn Care Program offers what we believe to be the most effective and affordable plan in Middle Tennessee, providing ongoing Fertilization and Weed Control. The program is designed specifically for your yard, no matter what conditions and challenges your lawn may offer. Review our Lawn Care Program calendar below and if you have any questions, someone in our office will be happy to answer them for you.