Happy Independence Day!

Independence from lawn care that is. Well, not really but we can definitely help in that category and give you Freedom from your lawn chores. One of the benefits to using our services isn’t JUST that we do a great job but we have the knowledge and experience to head off potential disasters in the lawn and landscapes.

Here’s a little “Did you Know” list for you………

  • Did you know that Brown Patch is a soil born fungus that can destroy a lawn in no time flat this time of year?? We have treatments for this issue. Check out our web site atwww.turfmanagersllc.com to look at pictures of this fungus.
  • Did you know that Bagworms, Aphids and Spider mites are running rampant on trees and shrubs this time of year?? We a treatment for these little critters. It’s amazing how the smaller the insect the bigger the damage is. If you see something weird going on in your landscape let us know and we’ll help you with it.
  • Did you know that we treat for Fleas and Ticks?? This is a great service that we offer and the benefits of this treatment is that it also helps with Chiggers, Crickets, Spiders and other pests that we really don’t want around while we are enjoying the great outdoors.

Turf Managers LLC has been listed in the Toastofmusiccity.com Best Landscaper category and would love for you to go to that web site and cast your supporting vote for us. This is sponsored by the Tennessean news paper and the BEST is won by supporters who vote for the best. We know we are the best but why not toot our own horn a little. Please go to Toastofmusiccity.com, click on “Health and Professional Services”, then click on Best Landscaper (that’s us by the way) and then vote for Turf Managers LLC.

We appreciate your business and support.

Summer is here and it is always fun to celebrate our country’s Independence from other countries. Cook outs, good friends, lake trips, swimming pools, outdoor festivities, fire works and a bunch of other fun things are in the plans for this weekend. Have a safe and Happy Fourth of July and may God Bless America!!!

Turf Managers applies lawn fertilizer in a unique way that provides you with a better, healthier lawn. We use top quality lawn fertilizer and lawn care products, some of which we have designed ourselves. Our lawn care professionals will come to your location – Nashville, Franklin, Brentwood, Belle Meade – and get you on the way to the lawn you want!

Our Lawn Care Program offers what we believe to be the most effective and affordable plan in Middle Tennessee, providing ongoing Fertilization and Weed Control. The program is designed specifically for your yard, no matter what conditions and challenges your lawn may offer. Review our Lawn Care Program calendar below and if you have any questions, someone in our office will be happy to answer them for you.